Bill Schwab

Born in Detroit, Michigan in 1959, Bill Schwab’s fascination with photography began at an early age having taught himself to process film and contact print at age twelve. Continuing his education with emphasis on the arts, he earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in photography and graphic design from Central Michigan University in 1983. He has pursued his photographic career both personally and commercially ever since.

Although his style has gradually developed and progressed over the years, the common themes that thread through this ever growing body of work is that of the natural and urban landscape. Emphasizing an ethereal, emotive quality, he chooses to make photographs during inclement weather and challenging lighting situations.

His work has been shown in solo and group exhibitions in the US and abroad since the early 1980’s and continues to become more widely known and sought after. It is in turn becoming represented in a growing number of private, corporate and public collections throughout the world. Among the institutions holding his work in their permanent collections are the George Eastman House, University of Michigan Museum of Art, Detroit Institute of Arts, Kalamazoo Institute of Arts, Dayton Museum of Art, Polk Museum of Art, Akron Art Museum and the Cincinnati Art Museum. Two books of his work have been published to date, Bill Schwab: Photographs (1999) and “Gathering Calm – Photographs 1994-2004” (2005).